Social media company Telegram has added some new features to its app. In the 10.5.0 update of Telegram, the company has changed the calling interface, along with upgrading the bots and also added Thanos animation for deleting messages in the app. The new update not only brings new features but it also uses less resources than before, which does not consume much battery and it works fast.
According to the companyβs website, this is the tenth update of 2023. In the new update, the company has completely changed the calling interface. Now you will see a new type of animation and emoji on the background screen during calling. Also, these will keep changing according to the status of the call. For example, if the call is in ringing mode, some different animation will be seen, something else during pickup, the background will change again after the call ends. The company said that in the new update it has fixed many bugs and has also worked on improving the call quality. According to the website, Telegram will bring new updates this year to further improve the audio and video call quality.
Thanos effect will be seen while deleting the message
Last year, Telegram released the Thanos effect to auto-delete messages in the iOS app. In this the messages disappear under an animation. Now the company has brought this effect for Android users also. Apart from this, the company has also updated reactions, manage reaction quotes and links for bots. If you want to create bots and mini apps on Telegram, then you can get detailed information by visiting the companyβs bot guide option.
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